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  • 繼續教育 超音波解剖學系列講習視訊課程第二場
  • 繼續教育 2024 台灣疼痛醫學會 全人整合醫學教育 系列工作坊 Part 3: Sleep/Depression vs. Pain
  • 繼續教育 第二屆 Vision Interventional Pain Symposium (VIPS 2024):Lecture (Day 1 only)
  • 繼續教育 第二屆- Vision Interventional Pain Symposium (VIPS 2024),Group A:Lecture + Hybrid OR Image Guided Intervention Workshop (Day 1+2)
  • 繼續教育 第二屆-Vision Interventional Pain Symposium (VIPS 2024),Group B:Lecture + Ultrasound and Minimal Invasive Surgery Interplay (Day 1+2)
  • 繼續教育 2024 Prolo303 workshop 超音波導引工作坊
  • 繼續教育 2024年 台灣增生療法醫學會年會學術研討會暨會員大會
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Editor's recommendation
綜說 review article


Recommendation of learning Pain website for pain physicians in clinical practice

關鍵字   Pain physician;Web resource;Internet usage;Pain;疼痛科醫師;網路資源;網路使用;疼痛  

 作者   葉軒廷(Shaun-Ting Yeh);李昭然(Chiu-Yin Lee);周韋翰(Wei-Han Chou)


研究背景:近年來疼痛的高盛行率使它成為一個重要的健康議題,這類病人的處理已經成為醫療專業人員主要的顧慮之一。在這個資訊的時代,在病人照護以及最新資訊的獲得上,妥善運用網路的重要性逐漸增加。然而使用網路查詢專業領域資料的阻礙依舊存在,包括時間、搜尋技巧、以及網路上過多令人困惑的資訊。許多使用網路的醫療專業人員常依賴一般性的非專業網站,而不是可靠的資訊來源。因此,為了促進以及提升疼痛領域專業知識搜尋的質與量,一個總結並呈獻可靠網路資源的文章便有其必要性。目標:將疼痛領域的可靠網路資源呈現給醫療專業人員。方法:總結並摘要了由五位在醫學中心工作,具有疼痛專科的資深麻醉科醫師推薦的網路資源。結果:本文呈獻了九個疼痛領域的網站:World Institute of Pain(WIP), International Association for the Study of Pain(IASP), PainCast, The Trigger Point & Referred Pain Guide, IMAIOS e-Anatomy, Pain Medicine News, New York School of Regional Anesthesia(NYSORA), GlobalRPh- Opioid analgesic converter, Advancing the Science of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine(USRA).討論:基於本文的研究限制,在將網路資源用於臨床醫療照護時仍需與最新的研究和指南相對照,以避免違反實證醫學的原則。結論:這些網站提供了豐富的線上資源,讓使用者能夠精進自身的知識以及臨床照護品質,並與世界各地的專業人員交流。

摘要 Summary

Background: Pain had been identified as a major health issue due to its high prevalence and management of these patients is one of the most important concerns of medical professionals. In the era of information, making good use of online resources have been showing increasing importance in taking care of patients and staying updated. However, barriers to internet usage still exist, including time, searching skills, and confusing information. For those medical professionals who assess the internet, many were showed to rely on general websites rather than readily accessible relevant information resources. A summary of relevant online resources is needed to promote and improve professional data searching in the field of pain. Aims: To present reliable online resources in the field of pain for medical professionals. Methods: Five senior anesthesiologists (all working in academic medical centers) with the certification of pain specialist recommend the websites. Results: 9 relevant websites in the field of pain are highlighted: World Institute of Pain(WIP), International Association for the Study of Pain(IASP), PainCast, The Trigger Point & Referred Pain Guide, IMAIOS e-Anatomy, Pain Medicine News, New York School of Regional Anesthesia(NYSORA), GlobalRPh- Opioid analgesic converter, Advancing the Science of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine(USRA). Discussion: The limitation of this special report makes checking updated papers and guidelines still needed while drawing online information for clinical usage to avoid violation of the principle of evidence-based-medicine. Conclusion: These websites provide ambient online resources allowing users to improve their knowledge, daily clinical practice, career planning, and interconnections with professionals worldwide.





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