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繼續教育 碩無線手持式超音波 MSK骨復健系列之2 + 超音波輔助之診斷與治療 (肘部與髖部)
繼續教育 WIMEC脊椎神經骨關節超音波引導介入治療大體實作課程
繼續教育 2025 會陰疼痛研討會
繼續教育 2025疼痛工作坊:史丹佛連續性導管周邊神經阻斷術
繼續教育 華碩無線手持式超音波 MSK骨復健系列之5 + 超音波輔助之診斷與治療 (頸椎與腰椎)
繼續教育 超音波解剖學系列講習視訊課程
會議訊息 第十八屆第二次會員大會
會議訊息 第十八屆第九次理監事聯席會議
會議訊息 第十八屆第八次理監事聯席會議
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最新消息 台灣疼痛醫學會2025年會員大會提案單
最新消息 台灣疼痛醫學會2025年選舉事項公告
公文訊息 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署編撰「安寧緩和醫療病人之疼痛照護衛教手冊(民眾版)」等6手冊各1款,請惠與參考運用,請查照。
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其他學會訊息 世界疼痛醫學會台灣分會-7th WIP Taipei Interventional Pain Workshop Masterclass in Advanced Interventional Procedures
公文訊息 財團法人台灣醫界聯盟基金會(下稱本會)辦理衛生福利部113年強化我國參與國際組織(WHO、APEC)計畫之「國際衛生福利事務參與人才資料庫」建立作業,敬請協助回覆。
會議訊息 第十八屆第七次理監事聯席會議
Editor's recommendation
膽囊收縮素乙型受體拮抗劑可以減輕大鼠因反覆注射 嗎啡誘發之疼痛過度現象
Cholecystokinin-B Antagonist could Prevent and Reverse Repeated Morphine Injection-induced Antinociceptive Tolerance
關鍵字 膽囊收縮素,乙型膽囊收縮素(CCK-B)受體拮抗劑,嗎啡耐受性,閃尾試驗 Cholecystokinin,CCK antagonist,Morphine tolerance,Tail-flick test
作者 劉玉成(Yu-Cheng Liu);黎尚宜(Shang-Yi Lee);歐陽欣漢(Hsin-Han Ouyang);陳坤堡(Kuen Bao Chen);溫永銳(Yeong-Ray Wen)
經長期使用或注射嗎啡後引起。膽囊收縮素(CCK) 是一種內源性抗類鴉片胜肽物質,且
材料及方法:雄性SD 大鼠接受嗎啡 4 毫克/ 公斤皮下注射,一天兩次連續五天,
至第五天早上,經注射的大鼠會出現止痛耐受性。在嗎啡注射前30 分鐘,大鼠先分成
三組,分別皮下注射兩種劑量的乙型膽囊收縮素受體拮抗劑LY225,910 (0.1 毫克/ 公
斤或 1.0 毫克/ 公斤) 或食鹽水連續五天。另外兩組為對照組,分別接受單獨食鹽水或
LY225,910 (1.0 毫克/ 公斤) 連續五天的注射。第五天早上嗎啡注射後30 分鐘,大鼠
左腳掌注射福馬林(5O 微升),觀察福馬林注射誘發之疼痛過度,並以加權疼痛分數計
算及統計。疼痛誘發之Fos 蛋白在脊髓腰椎第四到五節的表現也同時進行分析。
差異。合併LY225,910 及嗎啡注射,可以減輕嗎啡耐受現象且與劑量相關。統計發現,
LY225,910 高劑量組(1.0 mg/kg) 可明顯地降低福馬林造成的疼痛過度,特別是在福馬
林晚期疼痛表現。福馬林所誘發的脊髓背角Fos 表現在嗎啡耐受鼠也比正常鼠或單獨注
射LY225,910 鼠顯著較高。合併高劑量的LY225,910 可以減少Fos 免疫染色反應,但低
結論:我們認為嗎啡合併膽囊收縮素拮抗劑 LY225,910 可以減輕反覆注射嗎啡後引
起的疼痛過度及脊髓神經元Fos 敏感反應,而此抑制現象可能是經由抑制脊髓中樞性敏
摘要 Summary
Background: Paradoxical opioid-induced pain, an unusual hyperesthesia and allodynia, appears in human and animals after exposure to long-term morphine uses. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is an endogenous anti-opioid peptide and presumed to be involved in this phenomenon. In this study, we tested if CCK-B antagonist could ameliorate nociceptive hyperalgesia in the morphine-tolerant rats.
Materials and Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats subjective to morphine 4 mg/kg, s.c. twice daily for 4 days and another injection in the morning of the fifth day, developed morphine analgesic tolerance. LY225,910 (0.1, or 1 mg/kg, s.c.), a CCK-B receptor antagonist, or saline at 1.0 ml was injected 30 min before morphine treatment in separate groups. Two control groups of rats received saline or LY225,910 (1 mg/kg, s.c.) alone twice daily for 5 days. Intraplantar formaline injection at the left hind paw was conducted after the last morphine or saline injection on the 5th day morning. Formalin-induced paw hyperalgesic responses were evaluated and calculated by a weighted pain scoring software. Fos expression by immunohistochemistry at the L4-5 spinal dorsal horn were also analyzed.
Results: The morphine-tolerant rats showed significantly stronger formalin-injection induced hyperalgesia compared to the normal rats, and co-treatment of LY225,910 with morphine attenuated morphine tolerance in a dose-dependent manner. The high-dose co-treatment group (1.0 mg/kg) showed a significant reduction in formalin-induced paw hyperalgesia, especially at the late phase response. Induction of Fos expression after formalin injection was higher in the morphine-treated rats compared to those in the saline or LY225,910 injection rats. Co-administration with LY225,910 at the high dose could decrease the Fos-like immunoreactivity, but the low-dose group did not show difference from the morphine group.
Conclusion: We concluded that CCK-B antagonist LY225,910 could attenuate morphine tolerance-induced behavioral hyperalgesia and spinal Fos reactivity in the rats. The inhibition of Formalin-induced hyperalgesia may be mediated through reduction of spinal mechanism of the CCKergic pathway.
人才招募 馬偕醫院麻醉部疼痛科誠徵兩名疼痛專責醫師及數名兼職醫師
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