Class information
繼續教育 Beyond Dual-Image 2025:X光-超音波影像導引疼痛治療工作坊
繼續教育 7th WIP Taipei Interventional Pain Workshop
繼續教育 台灣疼痛醫學會114 年度 疼痛專科醫師考試工作坊
繼續教育 華碩無線手持式超音波 MSK 骨復健系列之3 + 超音波輔助之診斷與治療 (踝部與腕部)
最新消息 敬請各位提名推薦【2025學會獎】
其他學會訊息 世界疼痛醫學會台灣分會-7th WIP Taipei Interventional Pain Workshop Masterclass in Advanced Interventional Procedures
公文訊息 財團法人台灣醫界聯盟基金會(下稱本會)辦理衛生福利部113年強化我國參與國際組織(WHO、APEC)計畫之「國際衛生福利事務參與人才資料庫」建立作業,敬請協助回覆。
會議訊息 第十八屆第七次理監事聯席會議
最新消息 2025台灣疼痛醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會「全方位的疼痛照護 : 創新與整合」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『舒痛停靜脈注射液50毫克毫升(衛署藥輸字第024289號)』、『釋通緩釋錠16毫克(衛部藥輸字第026848『釋通緩釋錠64毫克(衛部藥輸字第026850號)』等4項藥品之輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『壽元 斯眠靜注射液50公絲公撮(鹽酸妥美度)(衛署藥製字第036167號)』、『默痛舒持續性藥效膠囊60毫克(衛署藥輸字第023779號)』及『釋通緩釋錠8毫克(衛署藥輸字第026037號)』藥品之製造或輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
公文訊息 亞洲華人醫務管理交流學會謹訂於2024年9月28日(星期六)假聯新國際醫院門診大樓 12 樓國際會議廳舉辦「智慧醫院的未來藍圖:從策略到實踐」論壇,敬請惠予公告周知並踴躍報名,請查照。
Editor's recommendation
癌症病人經定期評估及治療後的疼痛改善:某醫學中 心的一項前瞻性研究
Pain Improvement of Cancer Patients After Regular Assessments and Treatments: A Prospective Study in a Medical Center
關鍵字 良好疼痛管理,癌症疼痛,數字量表 good pain management, cancer pain, numerical rating scale
作者 黃明輝(Ming-Huei Huang)、黃詩毓( Shih-Yu Huang)、許婷茹(Ting-Ju Hsu)、袁志綸(Chih-Lun Yuan)、樊君儀(Chun-I Fan)
摘要 Summary
Background: Clinical practice data about good pain management (GPM) implementation is still lacking in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of GPM.
Methods: From June 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, a total of 48 patients with moderate to severe pain were included in the analyses prospectively. Pain intensity was evaluated by using the numerical rating scale (NRS). Presence of neuropathic pain was evaluated by using the Douleur Neuropathique 4 questionnaire. The Revised American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire, including six core quality indicators, was filled out during initial admission, 24±4 hours, 48±4 hours, and 72±4 hours after admission.
Results: There were 26 males and 22 females. The types of cancer were mainly pancreatic cancer (37.5%), head and neck cancer (16.6%) and gastric cancer (16.6%). Our patients experienced a significant pain improvement after regular assessments and pain medication adjustment (p< 0.05; Table 3, Figure 1). Six patients failed to reach the 333 index of cancer pain control [1]. After completion of the study, our patients were divided into two groups: well-controlled group (NRS<4, n=42) and poorly-controlled group (NRS≥4, n=6). The average age was 55.0 in well-controlled group and 53.5 in poorly-controlled group. Only one patient was eligible for neuropathic pain. In the poorly-controlled group, the emotional impact severity scores were slightly higher than those of the well-controlled group at the four survey time points (Figure 4). The impacts of disease severity and drug side effects on pain were unremarkable (Figure 3, Figure 5).
Conclusion: Our study suggest GPM implementation is effective and feasible for moderate to severe cancer pain. If the patient's pain is not well controlled, psychological counseling and necessary interventions might be considered.
人才招募 馬偕醫院麻醉部疼痛科誠徵兩名疼痛專責醫師及數名兼職醫師
人才招募 Visiting Scholar Recruitment
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- 衛生福利部
- 中央健康保險局
- 國家衛生研究院
- 臺灣兒科醫學會
- 婦產科醫學會
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- 麻醉醫學會
- 台灣癌症安寧緩和醫學會
- 台灣遠絡醫學會
- International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- World Institute of Pain (WIP)
- European Pain Federation ( EFIC )
- Society for Pain Practice Management (SPPM)
- American Pain Society
- The Pain Association of Singapore
- World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography (WAPMU)