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繼續教育 Beyond Dual-Image 2025:X光-超音波影像導引疼痛治療工作坊
繼續教育 7th WIP Taipei Interventional Pain Workshop
繼續教育 台灣疼痛醫學會114 年度 疼痛專科醫師考試工作坊
繼續教育 台灣疼痛醫學會-中區疼痛季會
繼續教育 2024年台灣麻醉醫學會12月南區聯合討論會
會議訊息 第十八屆第七次理監事聯席會議
最新消息 2025台灣疼痛醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會「全方位的疼痛照護 : 創新與整合」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『舒痛停靜脈注射液50毫克毫升(衛署藥輸字第024289號)』、『釋通緩釋錠16毫克(衛部藥輸字第026848『釋通緩釋錠64毫克(衛部藥輸字第026850號)』等4項藥品之輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『壽元 斯眠靜注射液50公絲公撮(鹽酸妥美度)(衛署藥製字第036167號)』、『默痛舒持續性藥效膠囊60毫克(衛署藥輸字第023779號)』及『釋通緩釋錠8毫克(衛署藥輸字第026037號)』藥品之製造或輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
公文訊息 亞洲華人醫務管理交流學會謹訂於2024年9月28日(星期六)假聯新國際醫院門診大樓 12 樓國際會議廳舉辦「智慧醫院的未來藍圖:從策略到實踐」論壇,敬請惠予公告周知並踴躍報名,請查照。
最新消息 【疼痛專科醫師甄試】2025年2月15日(六)疼痛專科醫師甄試
公文訊息 24基字第044號-台灣醫界聯盟執行衛福部[113年強化我國參與國際組織(WHO、APEC)計劃] ,將於2024年9月28日辦理]衛生人力在多重危機中的角色]青年工作坊,並鼓勵青年成員踴躍報名
Editor's recommendation
Cholecystokinin-B Antagonist could Prevent and Reverse Repeated Morphine Injection-induced Antinociceptive Tolerance
關鍵字 Cholecystokinin;CCK antagonist;Morphine tolerance;Tail-flick test;膽囊收縮素;乙型膽囊收縮素(CCK-B)受體拮抗劑;嗎啡耐受性;閃尾試驗
作者 劉玉成(Yu-Cheng Liu);黎尚宜(Shang-Yi Lee);歐陽欣漢(Hsin-Han Ouyang);陳坤堡(Kuen Bao Chen);溫永銳(Yeong-Ray Wen)
膽囊收縮素Cholecystokinin(CCK)是一種反鴉片內源性胜肽物質,內認為會參與此耐受性的現象。在本驗證性的研究中,我們重複測試了合併使用乙型膽囊收縮素(CCK-B)受體拮抗劑及嗎啡,是否可以改善甚至治療長期嗎啡使用後產生的這類副作用。材料及方法:SD大鼠接受嗎啡皮下注射,一天兩次,每次4毫克/公斤,連續五天一直到第五天早上,如此會誘發大鼠產生嗎啡止痛耐受性。這些嗎啡鼠分成四組,分別在嗎啡注射前30分鐘,接受生理食鹽水(1毫升)、或三種不同劑量的強力選擇性CCK-B拮抗劑LY225,910(0.1, 0.5, or 1毫克/公斤)的皮下注射。
另一實驗測試LY225,910是否可以治療或逆轉已形成的類鴉片耐受性:對前述方式已經產生嗎啡止痛耐受的大鼠,分成三組,在第五天最後一次嗎啡注射前30分鐘,分別接受食鹽水、高劑量LY225,910(1毫克/公斤或5毫克/公斤)的單次皮下注射,並比較行為反應。所有大鼠均在每天早上嗎啡注射後,以閃尾試驗測試疼痛閾值改變,最後計算「最大可能效應」(maximal possible effect, MPE)做為統計的分析。結果:合併使用LY225,910和嗎啡可以明顯抑制嗎啡止痛耐受性,且效果與LY225,910的劑量相關。
摘要 Summary
Background: Opioids are a class of the most effective analgesics for treating many forms of acute and chronic pain. However, prolonged use of opioid causes analgesic tolerance, withdrawal syndrome, and paradoxical opioid-induced hyperalgesia, which attenuates benefits and hinder the effective use of opioids in human and in animals. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is an anti-opioid endogenous peptide and presumed to be involved in this tolerant-related phenomenon. In this study, we tested if combination with CCK-B receptor antagonist could ameliorate and/or treat the side effects after prolonged morphine treatment. Materials and Methods: SD rats were subjective to morphine 4 mg/kg, s.c. twice daily for 5 days and developed morphine analgesic tolerance. The morphine-treated rats were allocated into four groups to respectively co-injected with LY225,910 (0.1, 0.5, or 1 mg/kg, s.c.), a potent CCK-B antagonist, or saline 1.0 ml 30 min before every morphine injection. Another two control groups are rats injected with either saline or LY225,910 (1 mg/kg, s.c.) alone for comparison. To test if LY225,910 could reverse opioid tolerance, the morphine-tolerant rats, which had been treated as abovementioned, were divided into three groups to receive single injection of saline, or high-dose LY225,910 (1 mg/kg or 5 mg/kg) on the 5th day. Tail-flick tests were measured every morning after each morphine injection, and "Maximal Possible Effects (MPE)" were calculated for analysis. Results: Co-treatment with LY225,910 and morphine significantly attenuated morphine tolerance in a dose-dependent manner. Besides, the rats which showed antinociceptive tolerance to morphine could partially restore morphine analgesic effect by single injection of high-dose LY225,910 on the 5th day. However, LY225,910 alone did not change nociceptive threshold. Conclusion: We concluded that LY225,910 could evidently prevent the development of morphine-induced antinociceptive tolerance and modestly reverse analgesic reduction after chronic morphine use in the rats. This finding suggests coadministration of CCK-B antagonist in patients with chronic morphine treatment may improve the morphine analgesic quality.
人才招募 馬偕醫院麻醉部疼痛科誠徵兩名疼痛專責醫師及數名兼職醫師
人才招募 Visiting Scholar Recruitment
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- International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- World Institute of Pain (WIP)
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- Society for Pain Practice Management (SPPM)
- American Pain Society
- The Pain Association of Singapore
- World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography (WAPMU)